One Little Shift

One Little Shift

One Little Shift can set you on a new course to a better outcome.
I’m sure you’ve heard the saying “if you set your course to get across the ocean and you shift by just one or two degrees you’ll end up in a different country!” What if you shift one little thing you do each day? What will your new outcome be?

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A Goal Without a Plan is Only a Dream

I’ve been “blogless” due to other writing responsibilities but now I’ve been inspired! Have you ever had an issue or topic on your mind and then you just happen to find a quote or article that exactly matches what you are trying to say? That has happened to me a few times in my life. 

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Prune To Your Heart’s Content

Note: This is one of my old favorite blogs from 2010. Enjoy!

I live in an old farmhouse in a suburb of CT. There are many mature trees including fruit trees in our yard.  Some of the fruit trees have very low branches that need pruning. Most of them are dead anyway. They don’t look good, they detract from the beauty of our yard and they get in the way when my husband mows the lawn!   

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