Catching Up

Coming Soon - Book Launch

Happy Fall. I hope you are doing well and taking a little time to enjoy the weather before it gets too cold.

It's been months since I sent my last newsletter, so I want to catch you up on my latest news before I continue and offer some takeaways at the end.

I’ve had a busy year with one major goal: publishing my book. I thought it was time to check back in and give you a sense of what that has entailed, just in case you are curious or have thought about writing your own book.

First of all, I have a new respect for anyone who has personally put pen to paper and written a 200-or-so-page book. It has taken a lot longer than I thought it would!

My route, ultimately, was to work with a boutique hybrid publisher here in Connecticut. Jenn T. Grace, owner of Publish Your Purpose, has built a process and a team that supports anyone who wants to publish a non-fiction book but doesn’t want to go the self-publish or traditional routes. I highly recommend her new book, Publish Your Purpose, which gives you invaluable insight into the process of writing and publishing.

By hiring PYP, I’ve had access to a wonderful team of editors, typesetters, a cover artist, a project manager to keep me on track, and personal support from Jenn herself. I’ve had guidance on categories and keywords, future tie-ins to my business, and so much more. My developmental editor, Blue Dulac, helped me find the right rhythm and order for the book. We worked so well together that I hired them to work on my graphics, as well. (I’ve inserted a few of them at the bottom.)

Little did I know, way back in March, that it would take so long to shape my book into its current state, but boy am I glad I didn’t try to do this on my own. It is still mostly my words - but with improved organization, better grammar, and more concise language. I recommend working with a developmental editor if you ever plan to publish anything. I feel like I’ve taken a few college-level writing courses.

Understand Yourself. Look Yourself in the mirrow

Tying what I’ve learned to my book:

  1. Focusing on one large goal meant I had to limit other tasks (like newsletter writing). But that was how I chose to keep some balance and less stress in my life.

  2. One section of my book is called Understanding Yourself. What I know about me is that I do better with a support team. I also have a hard time following a linear track (outline, write, adjust, edit) and focusing. (ADHD?) This is part of Step 1 of my Action Cycle: Awareness. Despite these personal challenges and awareness, I persisted.

  3. Step 2 of my Action Cycle is Acceptance. What I accept now is that I need to start with a clear outline and develop structure and support to keep me focused and accountable - for anything I do. It’s OK to admit my skill gaps and get help for them. Progress, not perfection!

  4. Step 8 of the Action Cycle is Reflection. Reflection includes celebration, evaluation, and determining the next steps. I plan to celebrate the book launch with several online and in-person events (to be revealed soon). As I look back on the writing journey, I know I learned a lot and am proud of getting to completion. (Pre-launch of the book will start in December.) My next steps include launching a website to support my book, which will include monthly new content and events, a book club circle, and a membership option to support people through the journey of Doubtful to Decisive and beyond.

How can you apply this to your experiences?

  • Is there a BIG project or task you are committed to?

  • Are you aware of skill gaps and want to find resources?

  • What do you accept about your journey that will help you move forward?

  • As you begin to reflect and deepen your awareness, how might it help you assess options, plan, take action, and get to completion?

Please let me know if I can support you in any way. Watch for the upcoming free events and the pre-launch book specials.

Thanks for listening and for all your words of encouragement over the last year. The finish line is just around the corner!


Before and After

Before and After

Imagine the next time you are faced with a challenge, issue, or task, and you handle it right then and there. Feelings of indecisiveness, struggle, unworthiness, confusion, or self-doubt are gone. You are led by your clarity and decisive action. There is ease and flow in your existence. You are living a life of purpose and balance.
No magic portal is going to take you to this version of yourself, yet you can get there if you have the right intentions and embrace the journey. Define your Before and After.

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The Action Cycle: Step 6 - Action

The Action Cycle: Step 6 - Action

To accomplish a goal, you have to embrace doing the work. All the clarity and planning in the world is pointless unless you take action. Be the person who will achieve the outcome you want by taking action, baby step by baby step.

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The Action Cycle: Step 4 - Assess Your Options

The Action Cycle: Step 4 - Assess Your Options

Step 4 of the Action Cycle is Assessing your options. If you jump right into action without assessing, you may follow old habits or default reactions. Breathe! Take a little time to brainstorm without the edit button! Let your Best Self control the thinking for a while.

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The Action Cycle: Step 1 - Awareness

The Action Cycle: Step 1 - Awareness

At any given time, you’re probably contemplating something. Whether it is for your personal or professional life, a little or big issue, there is probably something that you want resolved. You might want more of something or less of something. You might want to fix something that’s not working (literally or figuratively), start a new habit, or make a big change. This is Awareness, Step One of the 8-Step Action Cycle. I hope you’ll read the full series.

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A Sneak Peak into my book: From Doubtful to Decisive

A Sneak Peak into my book: From Doubtful to Decisive

A sneak peek into my book, coming out in 2023, From Doubtful to Decisive: 8 Steps to Get Unstuck and Maximize Results.
You’re aware of feeling stuck, unable to get into action, and it takes up a lot of space in your head but you just can’t seem to figure it out or find the time to address it… Like a leaky faucet or rattling car engine, these thoughts, hopes, dreams, or fears won’t magically go away until you do something about them…It feels painful to be in this state of limbo…

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From Doubtful to Decisive

From Doubtful to Decisive

Doubtful thoughts can permeate your soul and crush your dreams.

“I’m not sure.” “What if…?” “Where do I start?”

When doubtful thoughts grab hold, they keep us in limbo and prevent us from looking for solutions and taking action.

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One Little Shift

One Little Shift

One Little Shift can set you on a new course to a better outcome.
I’m sure you’ve heard the saying “if you set your course to get across the ocean and you shift by just one or two degrees you’ll end up in a different country!” What if you shift one little thing you do each day? What will your new outcome be?

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