Before and After

Before and After

Imagine the next time you are faced with a challenge, issue, or task, and you handle it right then and there. Feelings of indecisiveness, struggle, unworthiness, confusion, or self-doubt are gone. You are led by your clarity and decisive action. There is ease and flow in your existence. You are living a life of purpose and balance.
No magic portal is going to take you to this version of yourself, yet you can get there if you have the right intentions and embrace the journey. Define your Before and After.

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The Action Cycle: Step 3 - Mindset

The Action Cycle: Step 3 - Mindset

Your Mindset, the way you perceive your world and the lens through which you view your options, is key to any success you hope to have in achieving goals and living a happy life. By consciously choosing how you want to think about the issue, rather than reacting instinctively to the circumstances, you have a distinct advantage.

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From Doubtful to Decisive

From Doubtful to Decisive

Doubtful thoughts can permeate your soul and crush your dreams.

“I’m not sure.” “What if…?” “Where do I start?”

When doubtful thoughts grab hold, they keep us in limbo and prevent us from looking for solutions and taking action.

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